A Message from Greg LeMond, VDF Honorary Chairman
Dear Friends and Fellow Cyclists:
It gives me great pleasure to share a quick update to you all from LeMond Bicycles. We have started the year with a “bang” and we are hopeful and optimistic about a great year ahead.
I wanted you to hear about our plans this year and I hope you will follow me, and LeMond Bicycles, on one of our social media platforms. Our plan is to increase our exposure and to post on a regular basis. Of course, we would like to hear from you, too.
I know you are following the great work from the leadership of the Velodrome Development Foundation and the preparations they are making to build the National Sports and Events Center up in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I am honored to be associated and in the months ahead as their campaign rolls out I look forward to lending a hand. It will make a huge impact in our sport and I believe it will be a destination for training and world-class competition.
I wish you a good season ahead and we look forward to you being a part of our community of enthusiastic cyclists.
Follow Greg LeMond: lemond.com
Facebook: @lemondbicycle
Instagram: @lemondbicycles
Twitter: @lemondbicycles